Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to Protect Your Kids on the Internet

How to Protect Your Kids on the Internet


kidscomputer How to Protect Your Kids on the InternetFacebook, YouTube and Twitter’s Vine app have age restriction policies that are meant to prevent children from creating a user profile that exposes them to unsuitable illicit material. However, restricted does not mean blocked; the sites can be easily accessed if the user claims to be over 17 years old. According to’s Liz Duffy, many parents and Donna Rice Hughes, the president and CEO of Internet safety organization Enough is Enough, believe that stronger action needs to be taken to protect children from explicit online material and Internet dangers.

If parents wish to monitor more of what their children are doing online and more securely safeguard their kids from online dangers, Duffy suggests that parents research the parental restriction support page. Parents can learn how to place restrictions on mobile iOS-based devices or implement a parental-control solution, like Net Nanny. These tools are designed to support parents who want better awareness about what their children see and do online.

Net Nanny

Award-winning parental-control solution Net Nanny offers five different products that help parents monitor and block inappropriate online content from their children. Net Nanny is teaming up with life lock, a company that specializes in online protection solutions, to provide families with a full package of protection against identity theft, cyber bullying and online predators.

net nanny How to Protect Your Kids on the Internet

Parents who sign up for this special can also receive a year subscription to Net Nanny for $ 100. This combination service opportunity will let parents block pornography from their child’s computer, mask profanity and monitor social media interaction. Wide-open Internet accessibility, instant message communication and video game usage can also be controlled.

Parental Support

The parental support page for all iOS-based devices explains to users how parental controls can be installed on a child’s device. Refer to this page to learn about what the restrictions allow and block. This resource teaches parents how to restrict certain applications, types of content, games and websites from being downloaded or viewed. The option to extend and further restrict the online landscape by including iTunes and iBook territory is available as well. Apple iOS also has support pages that explain how parents can alter the settings of their child’s device to restrict their viewingâ€"beyond instant messaging, downloading apps, visiting websites and reading emails.

While this concept probably sounds unfair to most children, who see parents as the worst parent of the year, censorship is essential for youngsters. Internet protection advocates, like Hughes and her associates, believe that protecting children from “videos showing abuse, gratuitous violence or graphic images” is a step in the right direction. It’s your job, as a parent, to protect your child’s innocence and safety by minimizing online risks of sexual predators, cyber bulling and even identity theft. For more information on what you can do to protect your family and your children from Internet related crimes, visit and find out why Internet safety is essential.

 Guest Author: Kate Warner Kate is a stay-at-home mom who loves to share recipes and design ideas with her online friends.


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