Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beginners Guide to Get Started with Pinterest

Beginners Guide to Get Started with Pinterest


Pintrest Beginners Guide to Get Started with PinterestPinterest is the hottest new social medium that is driving tremendous amounts of traffic. The truth is Pinterest is for women! The statistics speak for themselves with 97% of the social medium’s users being female. So, what did it take to create a social media platform that women would dominate: pretty pictures, a new way to organize ideas and an appeal to our gatherer side. If you haven’t gotten on board with interest, it’s time and we will show you how.

Getting Started

Go to Pinterest homepage and click the Join Pinterest button. You now have 3 choices: connect with Facebook, connect with Twitter or sign up using your email address. When opting to use email to sign up, you create an account.  You will need to choose a username and password, give your email address, first and last name and gender.

When you get to the next screen, you will need to create your first board by selecting a topic that interests you.
Pinterest Setup Snap Beginners Guide to Get Started with Pinterest
Next you will be asked to follow 5 boards that inspire you.  Suggestions are provided based on the topic you chose on the previous screen. However, you can also choose from other topics.

You will then need to choose an image for the board you created. You are now active on Pinterest. You will receive an email that you need to confirm.

Check your Pinterest Homepage

From anywhere on Pinterest, you can simply click the red Pinterest logo at the top middle of the page and you will be brought back to your homepage. This is essentially a feed of all the boards you followed in the set-up step. Luckily, you can unfollow those boards and choose to follow many, many more that appeal to your tastes more specifically.

Create boards to organize the pins you want to save by simply going to the top right of your home page and clicking on boards under your name. You can create as many boards as you want by going there. You can even create secret boards, which are perfect for gift ideas, party planning and more. In addition, when you go to Repin a pin that interests you, you can create a new board on the spot, if you don’t already have one that fits the bill.

Finding Pinners and Boards to Follow

Get an Interest Homepage feed that truly appeals to you and contains items that you are likely to repin by following pinners or more specifically boards that fit with your taste. Follow a pinner whose entire Pinterest board collection appeals to you. Follow a board only if your interest is limited to just 1 or 2 boards that a pinner has.

There are multiple ways to find pinners and boards. On the upper left hand side of the page is a search tool. Use it to search for any topic that interests you: sci-fi movies, fashion, desserts, party ideas, wedding cakes, crafts, holiday decorations, home décor, children’s activities, recipes, quotes, organizational help, exercise tips and much more.

Pinterest Feed Snap Beginners Guide to Get Started with Pinterest

This is when it pays off to explore Pinterest. When you find a board that interests you, look at the other boards the same pinner has created. It will help give you new ideas for more boards and you will likely find pinners whose entire Pinterest board collection appeals to you and are worth following. Connecting your Facebook or Twitter accounts to Pinterest will give you automatic ease of finding Pinners you are already friends with.

Have fun and check back often. Watch what those you know are using Facebook for and you are sure to find some great ideas. The more you visit Pinterest, the more you will enjoy it. It truly is the ultimate way to collect and organize ideas, tips and more.

Guest Post by Suzanne Turcotte is a content specialist with Internet provider Satellite Informant and a Pinterest aficionado.

Image Credits: ShardsOfBlue


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//PART 2