Friday, March 1, 2013

Swapps: An Alternative Multitasking App For Android

Swapps: An Alternative Multitasking App For Android

Swapps FIf using gestures to access apps in Android is not to your liking, then you might be interested in Swapps for a alternative multitasking experience in Android.

Swapps allows the users to switch and access different apps with minimum effort. You just have to swipe in from the left and you can quickly all your recent and favorite apps.

How it works

Swapps works by adding an invisible app drawer on the side of the screen. By swiping from right to left or left to right, the app drawer will show up and you can access your favorite app. With Swapps, you can add up to 15 applications to your favorites list. If you want, you can even customize the height and width of the app drawer as well.

Using Swapps

1. install Swapps from the Google Play Store. Make sure you are running Android 2.3+ for the application to work properly.

2. Once installed, all you have to do is swipe from left to right or vice versa and it will bring the App Drawer. By default, the sidebar contains 3 sections:

  • Recently Used
  • Starred
  • All apps
    • The “Starred Apps” section contains the list of your favorite apps that you access regularly. The “All Apps” section contains the list of all the installed apps and lastly, the “Recently Used Apps” section contains list of last used apps.

      The best thing about the drawer is that you can access it anywhere, even if you are playing game on your phone.

      Swapps Sidebar

      The best thing about Swapps is that it is customizable as well. You can change the number of apps you want to display in your Starred list as well as the option to remove the “Recently Used Apps” and “All Apps” section so only your favorite apps appear in the drawer. There is also options for you to customize the size and width of the drawer, as well as its location on the screen.

      Swapps Settings


      If you are looking to expand the multitasking capability in your Android phone, Swapps is one of the more handy apps around. Personally, I prefer to use Swapps over the native “Recent Apps ” button as it allows me to access my favorite apps quickly. What about you? Which apps do you use to improve the multitasking feature in Android?

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//PART 2