Tuesday, February 19, 2013

7 Most Common Blogging Mistakes and Tips to Avoid Them

7 Most Common Blogging Mistakes and Tips to Avoid Them


Blogging has grown tremendously in the last few years. Today, almost every person and company with interest in online activities have a blog. The purpose of running a blog is different between individuals but the goal is the same. Whether your blog is for selling, marketing, promoting, informing or entertaining, it will have to attract traffic to achieve its purpose. The techniques and methods that bloggers use to attract high traffic to their blogs are almost endless but the outcomes of their efforts vary based on platforms.

blog mistakes 300x206 7 Most Common Blogging Mistakes and Tips to Avoid Them

Furthermore, how a blogger utilizes a particular platform creates the difference between a highly successful blog and an ineffective blog. For example the use of content on your blog can result in either positive or negative outcome and hence, you should be careful with your choices. Understanding the common blogging mistakes that most clients make on their blogs is vital in guaranteeing long term success of your blog.

1.Failing to integrate your blog with your website

This is common for people who publish their blog on a different domain from their website or on a free blogging platform. Failing to integrate your website and blog together is detrimental in your websites content branding, search engine optimization and centralization. 


To fix this problem, you should ensure your blog is in a folder of your main website or on a sub-domain of your website. These two options will enable your website to benefit from search engine optimization advantages created by your blog.

2. Focusing your content solely on your product

The content you publish on your blog attracts traffic and helps in search engine optimization. The common mistake most clients make is focusing too much on whom they are, their services, products and their achievement. This is because self promoting content lacks in thought leadership and thus, it should be kept at a minimum informative level and in the company or product news. It is important to understand that leadership blogging is highly effective in search engines and thus, it has a greater chance of generating lead.


 To fix this, you should change the content of your blog. Instead of focusing on your products and services, you should create content that is data driven, educative and thought provocative.

3. Publishing inconsistently or infrequently

If you have a blog and you are not publishing regularly you are not maximizing your blog potential. Research has shown that companies and individuals that benefit from blogs blog on daily or weekly basis. 


To fix this problem, you should commit your time to regular upkeep of your blog. You should start by posting at least once in a week.

4. Failing to optimize your blog content for search

One of the common problems with most bloggers is failing to harness the power of blogs in search engines. Posting content that is not optimized for search engines on your blog is detrimental in your blog exposure. 


To fix this blogging problem you should ensure your content is effectively optimized to increase your keyword ranking. You should also use the help of search optimization tools to ensure your content is effective.

5. Failing to promote content in social media

While most bloggers link their blogs with social media, few promote the content of their blog in social media. Failing to promote your content on social platforms denies you the chance to increase your customer base to potential customers on social platforms.


To fix this rampant problem, you should spend time creating and promoting content on all of your social accounts. If you do not have time to create new content, you should at least promote the already existing content.

6. Failing to optimize for lead generation

How do you format the content of your blog? Many bloggers take time to create highly informative content but fail to put a call to action. If the content of your blog does not have a call to action you are failing to convert traffic to lead. 


To fix this problem, you should ensure all your content has the next call of action. If you have a selling or a promoting blog, you should ensure the call to action is on visible areas in your blog.

7. Ignoring Blog Analytics

The other common mistake bloggers make is failing to analyze their actions whether they are paying off. Analytics gives a valuable insight of the actual effect of your blogging activities. To fix this problem, you should pay regular attention to analytics.


Author Bio: Jason Smith consults companies on online marketing, product development, and strategy. During his free time he enjoys reading about human behavior and visits christian church san jose regularly.


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//PART 2